Friday, February 27, 2009

Odds and Ends

You guys have got to check out this new stuff...

I just officially finished my first ever elevator pitch. I entered a competition here and I was allowed 2 minutes to speak about a business idea I have and then 3 judges asked me questions for about 5 minutes. It was a lot of fun and a great experience! I did not do too well, but I will for sure enter next year and do a lot better.

I am going back to Ankeny later today to spend the weekend with the family. I get to hang out in Missy and J's new house! I am very excited to see the place and have a good weekend.

Oh if anyone needs a source of comedy in their lives, I have the solution...

Jenni and I watched all 17 episodes between Friday night and Tuesday. It was probably the best purchase I have ever made!!
Ok I have to get to class. More updates to come.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

This is unbelievable!

Okay, so this isn't much of a post, but check out this article I found. This stuff is amazing.

Anyway, there will be more to come this week as I am planning on attending a speed reading seminar, and I will no doubt have some thoughts to share about that.

One last thing, yesterday in my Ethics course we were discussing metaethics. Which I am pretty sure is the ethics of ethics. Quite confusing. But we came across an interesting question and discussion that followed. Do you think MORAL BELIEFS are a matter of fact? or a matter of taste? We were comparing them by saying a matter of fact would be, for example, 2+2=4, and a matter of taste is, for example, "I like dark chocolate." I just thought I could get your guys' views on this...Feel free to share your thoughts.

Catch you all later.