Tuesday, February 3, 2009

This is unbelievable!

Okay, so this isn't much of a post, but check out this article I found. This stuff is amazing.

Anyway, there will be more to come this week as I am planning on attending a speed reading seminar, and I will no doubt have some thoughts to share about that.

One last thing, yesterday in my Ethics course we were discussing metaethics. Which I am pretty sure is the ethics of ethics. Quite confusing. But we came across an interesting question and discussion that followed. Do you think MORAL BELIEFS are a matter of fact? or a matter of taste? We were comparing them by saying a matter of fact would be, for example, 2+2=4, and a matter of taste is, for example, "I like dark chocolate." I just thought I could get your guys' views on this...Feel free to share your thoughts.

Catch you all later.


Anonymous said...

WAIT, what is this? A blog??? A Scottie blog??? hehehe About the ethics is my two cents..I LOVE dark chocolate! hehe
Have a great evening!

Anonymous said...

Moral ethics...hmm...I WISH a matter of fact, but I think more likely a matter of taste. Is that wrong? CRAZY architecture! You will NEVER see me on that thing! Zip lining was quite enough, thank you! 143mom

Missy... said...

Ummmm....what?!?! Let's tackle life's REAL questions, like:

Why, if veggies are supposed to be good for children, do they end up in their diapers, appearing completley undigested?

And, how does one teach a three year old that, in fact, it is not socially acceptable to run around in only under-roos?

These are the real life things you SHOULD be studying in college. :-)